Monday, 22 April 2013

Well hello there!

Hello there people of the Internet! :)

My name is Ellie. I am 16 years old and I come from the south-coast of England, UK.
I have been wanting to make this blog for a while now and I have finally grown the courage to...(yes queue soppy weeping and hysterical myself) And yes! I wanted to start a blog to write about fashion, beauty, music and all about my life really and hopefully some of you guys will find it relatively interesting! 

I always have this saying that we are put on this earth for a reason and that reason is to make a difference. If that difference is within yourself or other people, we all have a role of humanity to make change. 

Yes I know that is incredibly deep, but you have to live with it guys, I am a theological person :)

So yes, at this current stage of my life, I am at the beginning of this long journey in front of me and I am thinking...What can I do to make a difference? And I guess this blog will follow my journey of that.

Thank you for reading and please look forward to future (meaningful, deep) posts :) 

Farewell Chums!