Sunday, 3 November 2013

Cats and Carbonara Tour - Nina Nesbitt

Last month I was lucky enough to go to Nina Nesbitt's gig in Brighton, The Haunt.

I heard about Nina's music through the weekly free music given away on Itunes about two years ago and ever since I have been constantly listening to her EPs and YouTube music videos. So when I saw that she was playing in Brighton, close to where I live, I text my friend, who also enjoys her music, and thought 'Let's go!?'

Her Scottish roots and earthy voice is somewhat refreshing to hear after the revolution of pop music these days, consisting of club tracks and collaborations that rely on popularity and not the vocals or the meaning behind the lyrics. 

Her whole aura and personality is so very likeable and she made it feel like we were all one family, I guess I felt very welcomed :) She gave out sweets to the crowd as she thought we may be hungry and she was just so lovely.

I had the most amazing night and it probably was one of the best gigs I have been to! 

If you haven't heard of Nina or her music before. 
Please check her out here

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