Saturday, 1 June 2013

My May Favourites

Hello there chums!

This month has been full of revising, stress and more stress...

However I was able to go on a bit of a beauty shopping spree and finally buy some products which I have seen and have wanted to try out for ages.

Here are my May favourites

Beauty Favourites:

  • The first May favourite is the 'Loreal Paris - Studio Matt and Mess Salt spray', At first I was a bit wary of this product because I have used products in the past which have made my hair look greasy but this one didn't. Sometimes I like to have my hair curly, with a natural beach hair look and because my hair is annoying, it always goes straight after a few hours. However, with this product, if I scrunch up some hair and spray this in to it, my hair seems to stay a bit more curled than normal. I recommend this product to people with fairly short to mid length hair as the spray cannot always keep the 'beach-look' for long on heavier hair.This product was £3.56 from Boots.

  • My second May favourite is the 'Eco Tools - Foundation and Blusher brush'. I've been wanting to get some make-up brushes for a while now but have been put off from the such high prices. However, I saw these brushes in Boots and both brushes cost £7.99 each. I thought this was fairly reasonable compared to other brushes I have seen, such as model's own. The brushes both have really good quality and are made completely from bamboo and recycled materials. The foundation brush at times can be quite streaky, but along with the brusher brush, you can really help improve the coverage of foundation and/or powder on your skin. I recommend these products to people who like to try something new with their foundation and blusher.

  • The next of my May favourites, is the 'Loreal - Super liner - Perfect slim'. I got recommended this product from my friend, Lauren, and also I saw 'Zoella' uses it to do her perfect, signature cat eye. I got this product from Superdrug for £6.99, which is relatively reasonable priced for a good quality eye liner. The spongy nib of the liner is very thin, so it is very fine and detailed. I use this product to put a bit of a flick on the edges of my eyes which gives the 'Cat-eye' effect. I love this product so much and I will be purchasing it again once it has run out.

  • My next May favourite is the 'Rimmel London - Stay Matte Foundation' which I bought from Boots for £5.99. I originally wanted to buy this product because the previous foundation I was using was leaving my skin very shiny and I didn't really like it. So I decided to purchase a bit more expensive, higher quality foundation which will prevent the 'Shiny' affect on my face, And I must say, It works. The foundation tube itself seems very small but I have been using it most days for 2 months now and it is almost half used, so don't let your eyes be deceived! The foundation leaves a matt finish and with the 'Rimmel London - Stay Matte Powder' that I also have for £3.99, my face stays covered for the whole day. 

Extra Favourites:

  • This month I have been addicted to a new music artist. His name is Lewis Mokler and I found out about him from 'PointlessBlog' 's (Alfie Deyes)  recent Vlog video on YouTube of him and Louis in London. Alfie used various tracks of Lewis' in the background and from the first second I heard it, I loved it. I immediately downloaded his EP on Itunes called 'Skybound' and I have literally been playing it daily. Many people say that he sounds like Ed Sheeran, which I can see but I think Lewis should be recognised as being an individual artist who also writes his own music. Here is my favourite song of his 'Let Go' which is very relevant at the moment for me as the song is about people moving away and it hurts, and as I have just left High School, I am not going to see some of my closest friends as much as I would like to :)

  • My final May favourite is more of an abstract theme. Support. The whole of May has literally been full of exams after exams after exams (do you see?) and well...I am pretty lucky to have such a lovely, supporting friendship group. Every time we would have an exam, we would all hug each other and wish each other to do well and well.... I must say it helps me. It helps me feel more confident and to feel like I have someone who supports me. And to be honest, without my friends, I don't know how I would have got through these May exams and I am pleased to say that I only have four more exams to get through and then it's Summer! :D And well yes, it has definitely been one of my May favourites.

Thank you very much for reading and please comment below if you have enjoyed this post and whether you want me to do future monthly favourites!

That's all from me today, have a good day now.
Farewell chums! 
Ellie x

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