Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Holiday Haul

Hello there lovely people!

Sorry for the lack of posts but I have literally just got back from holiday in Spain! (yay for the sun) Yeah...England is pretty naff compared to be honest...But I love it here, I am quite patriotic :)

So! When I was away I may have bought a few things?...the markets there are amazing and you can get some really amazing things for pretty reasonable prices.

So I thought I would show you all some of the things I got!


I may have got a wee bit obsessed of buying nail varnishes whilst on holiday. But they're like 90 cence so and that's like 70p so you can't go wrong!

(None of the nail varnishes had names so I'm going to be imaginative for you)

Baby Blue
Duck Egg Blue
Deep Sea 
Pink Candy


In the past I have not really been a 'jewellery lover' but recently I have wanted to buy more and kind of 'force' myself to wear some and not be as boring.

I purchased this watch from the Spainish market for 10 euros. I have always wanted a rose gold watch and have been put of from the prices so this was ideal! Yes it is fake but it's functional right? I love it. 

I got this beaded bracelet also from the Spainish Market for 3 euros. I liked the exotic, summery colours and it was different from most bracelets I have seen. 
I got this 'Grecian' style necklace from the Spainish Market for 8 euros. I love the pattern engraved on the necklace, it gives an 'aztec' feel to it. I also love the shape and size of it, very different from the long necklaces I normally purchase.

I got this bird ring from the Spainish Primark in the sale for 1 euro! Bargin! It's a bit big for my fingers but it can be used as a thumb ring...I can make it work :)
I got this long skull necklace also from the Spainish Primark for 1 euro! I love it.
I got this feather necklace also from the Spanish Primark for 3 euros with a pair of feather earrings. The clasp is unfortunately broken so will have to fix it before wearing it :(


I normally don't really buy clothes abroad at markets etc because there is nowhere really to try items on to see if they fit. But I took a gamble...

I got these coral floral shorts from a market for 9 euros. I was dubious at first whether they would fit or suit me but when I tried them on to wear out for dinner in Spain, I loved them! They are mega comfy and I love the coral colour.
I got this tiger, paisley designed tank top from Primark for like 4 euros. If you know me, you know I love animals and especially tigers. I also love this hippie type design and it goes really nicely with demin shorts or even skinny jeans. I love it.
I got this Minnie mouse jumper from Primark in the sale for 7 euros. I LOVE my jumpers, especially unusual ones and I literally fell in love with this one. I am a HUGE Disney fan to say the least and well..this is meant to be a pyjama top but to be honest, I may just wear it for casual wear :) 
I got these thumper pyjama bottoms from Primark also for around 8 euros. I LOVE thumper and the movie Bambi so these were ideal for me. They are so comfy! and they tighten at the ankles which I love. 
Pyjama'd up

Sooo! That is basically everything that I bought on holiday to share with you guys!
I hope you like this post of my 'holiday haul' and let me know if you would like me to do any more hauls in the future!

Please follow and comment if you have any questions or requests for posts I could do!

P.S I am going to start being more regular in my post updates so watch this space! :) 

That is all from me today! Have a good day now, farewell chums!

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