This month there are going to be massive changes for me which I am very excited for.
For one I am not in anyway saying that 'change' is a negative impact, more so a positive one.
And secondly, I am a big fan of 'change'.
I have recently just left high school and have received the results that I am ecstatic with to go to college to do my A Levels. A few years ago, this prospect was very daunting but during the last few months of high school, I was itching to get away to be treated more like an adult rather than a teenager.
I will be starting college this month and will remain here for the next two years where I will do four subjects that I have chosen for AS and carry on a further three subjects to study for A Levels. This fundamentally is the biggest change to me, having to concentrate on four subjects chosen by myself, which I enjoy, to study. The subjects I have chosen are Chemistry, Biology, Maths and History. I am really looking forward to it.
The next big thing is the actual college itself. I absolutely love it. I think it just reminds me of university but much smaller.I guess it is nice to really get used to the whole 'independent' feel of university before we go there in two years time. Plus you get to call teachers by their first names, how amazing!
I will be travelling to and from college everyday on the train which excites me as well, just because it makes you feel more independent, I don't know...
Also the lessons are a bit longer than what I am used to but you get free periods to go study or do sports, which I am doing Netball.
The only negative change I can really think of is the change of moving away from certain friends who are going to study elsewhere. I am not saying that I won't be close to them like before, we will still meet up, but it just won't be the same I guess. But that's life eh?!
So this month is going to be very exciting, new, daunting and special to me. Hopefully I will be able to update on how it's going at college in a few weeks time!
That is all from me today, farewell!