Saturday, 28 December 2013

Post Christmas

I am sad to say that Christmas Day has been and gone but that's not to say that Christmas is over....Oh No.

To me Christmas truly begins on Christmas day and doesn't really end until the New Year or when everyone returns to Work, or in my case College..well I guess that's why it's called the 'The Twelve days of Christmas' 

What does Christmas truly mean to you?
When I was younger, Christmas was basically all about presents, I am not even going to Lie, I was really spoilt! 
But now I basically look at it as time to have an excuse to sit inside, rest, and procrastinate (that is true).
No I haven't been a lazy slob during the holidays, I have worked quite a lot and have been around seeing family and friends but at the same time I have been catching up on a few things that I like doing: Watching films, reading and browsing Tumblr and Pinterest. 

It's the best time of year to appreciate all the small things: family, friends and your life. We're not all that lucky. 

Let me just leave you with one thing.  

Monday, 23 December 2013

Festive Room Tour

Hello there fellow festive people...

As it's Christmas and all that...I thought I would decorate my room (as like every year) in a festive theme to get me feeling all cosy and Christmasy for the special day (2 more sleeps).

I am probably one of the most festive people in my family...(this year I decorated the main household tree on my own!) I always like decorating my room extra special just for my own pleasure :)

So here it is!


My tree is about a metre tall and perfectly fits between my dresser and piano (along with an Olly Murs wallpaper behind). I have decorated my tree using colourful tree lights and my pink set of baubles, finished with a small fairy on top. Simple yet lovely.

Here you can see one of the pink baubles which is on my tree. This one has silver glitter snowflakes on, whereas others are transparent or have writing on. 

On the opposite wall is my 'Wall of posters'. Here I have some blue fairy lights draped across, to give it an authentic yet cosy feel to my room. These battery powered lights are from Matalan and were around £5.

Now for my piano, my favourite part of my room. On it I have this really pretty 'Paper cut Candle holder' that I received as a gift. I currently have my 'Salted caramel Yankee Candle tea lights' in it which I also received as a gift.

This is a tag from a present from one of my friends which was really cute so I stuck it on my box of nail varnishes. 

Here are my collection of Yankee candles. All my favourites minus one. I have really loved using these this winter.

I got this 'Santa Candle Jar' from Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, London this year when I went. I haven't yet lit it but I am sure I will do over the holidays. I just really liked it and it fits in well with the rest of my decorations.

Here is yet another candle which I LOVE. I recently received it as a gift and have only just started using it. The whole jar is so cute and I love the scent, not too pungent but Christmasy! 

And last but not least! Christmas scented potpourri. I got given this a few years ago as a present and I love it so so so so so much. The quote, the whole decoration and smell is just gorgeous. One of my favourite decorations by far. 

So there we have it!, I hope I have managed to inspire you perhaps with some Christmas decoration ideas (it may be too let but oh well).

And I hope I you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Monday, 11 November 2013

A Day in Camden....

A couple of Saturday's ago, my friends and I, Nikki and Georgia, took a wee trip to Camden!

We went mainly to see one of our favourite bands, Lilygreen and Maguire, perform at Dingwalls, Camden, so we decided that we should make a day of it and explore the wonders that are: Camden market. 

The best Chinese ever  

Lilygreen and Maguire were amazing as usual, it's crazy seeing how far they have come in two years. From supporting Olly Murs on his tour in 2012, to having their own tour now. Their fan base have grown and so have their careers, I cannot wait to see how far they can make it, and I will be there every step of the way :')

I had an incredible day in Camden, and experienced the London Tube first time on my own with friends!

I really hope I can come back another time soon, I really love the atmosphere and whole individuality of the place. One thing on my bucket list ticked off :)

If you haven't heard of Lilygreen and Maguire before, check out their music on YouTube here 

Toodle-pip <3

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Cats and Carbonara Tour - Nina Nesbitt

Last month I was lucky enough to go to Nina Nesbitt's gig in Brighton, The Haunt.

I heard about Nina's music through the weekly free music given away on Itunes about two years ago and ever since I have been constantly listening to her EPs and YouTube music videos. So when I saw that she was playing in Brighton, close to where I live, I text my friend, who also enjoys her music, and thought 'Let's go!?'

Her Scottish roots and earthy voice is somewhat refreshing to hear after the revolution of pop music these days, consisting of club tracks and collaborations that rely on popularity and not the vocals or the meaning behind the lyrics. 

Her whole aura and personality is so very likeable and she made it feel like we were all one family, I guess I felt very welcomed :) She gave out sweets to the crowd as she thought we may be hungry and she was just so lovely.

I had the most amazing night and it probably was one of the best gigs I have been to! 

If you haven't heard of Nina or her music before. 
Please check her out here

Thursday, 31 October 2013

I'm back....

Hello there! Long time, no see....

yes you may be wondering were the hell have I been...(or maybe not) but I am coming back...for good.

I have just been trying to get used to this new schedule that is A Level work, and trust me it was hard...but I feel more settled now and I have told myself that need to spend more time on blogging and doing things that I enjoy, rather than Study, Work, Study...

So! It's currently the 31st of October...Happy Halloween! And from now on I will be doing a weekly blog post (probably at the weekends) on beauty, fashion and life!....and hopefully I'll do some shorter blog posts through out the week when I feel like it! 

I hope all is well with you all

much love x

Monday, 2 September 2013


This month there are going to be massive changes for me which I am very excited for. 
For one I am not in anyway saying that 'change' is a negative impact, more so a positive one.
And secondly, I am a big fan of 'change'.

I have recently just left high school and have received the results that I am ecstatic with to go to college to do my A Levels. A few years ago, this prospect was very daunting but during the last few months of high school, I was itching to get away to be treated more like an adult rather than a teenager. 

I will be starting college this month and will remain here for the next two years where I will do four subjects that I have chosen for AS and carry on a further three subjects to study for A Levels. This fundamentally is the biggest change to me, having to concentrate on four subjects chosen by myself, which I enjoy, to study. The subjects I have chosen are Chemistry, Biology, Maths and History. I am really looking forward to it. 

The next big thing is the actual college itself. I absolutely love it. I think it just reminds me of university but much smaller.I guess it is nice to really get used to the whole 'independent' feel of university before we go there in two years time. Plus you get to call teachers by their first names, how amazing! 

I will be travelling to and from college everyday on the train which excites me as well, just because it makes you feel more independent, I don't know...

Also the lessons are a bit longer than what I am used to but you get free periods to go study or do sports, which I am doing Netball. 

The only negative change I can really think of is the change of moving away from certain friends who are going to study elsewhere. I am not saying that I won't be close to them like before, we will still meet up, but it just won't be the same I guess. But that's life eh?!

So this month is going to be very exciting, new, daunting and special to me. Hopefully I will be able to update on how it's going at college in a few weeks time!

That is all from me today, farewell!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

I'm blue da ba dee da ba dye..

Hello there young ones...

So I have now got me some colour to my hair! 

My mum is a hair dresser so luckily I can get some pretty free haircuts, styles and colours!

At the begin of the year I got my hair bleached at the ends, ombred if you will. I have used colour conditioners from Amazon which are amazing colours but I find that they wash out in like 2-3 washes. Which is 3 days to me! (As I wash my hair everyday)

So my mum had some Schwarzkopf hair dye in 'Ultra Brights' and I thought 'Why not?'.

I have to say that I love it, just because it is different. Something I preach everyday.

I love the blend it has to my natural dark blonde hair colour.

However every day in the shower, I  see the blue washing off down the's fading!

Overall I am very happy with the result and I will definitely be trying more colours from the Schwarzkopf hair dyes in the future!

That is all from be for today
Have a lovely day now!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Best Day Ever

Hello there!

Last Thursday it was my results day. Yes I was nervous.
However I got the results what I wanted and was ecstatic to say the least. 
I even cried on the phone to my mum because I seriously thought I had failed half of my subjects.
(Thanks Nikki for the hug)

After we had collected our results and had pictures and interviews taken by the press (yes we are famous), We all went back to my friend's house and chilled out in her garden.

The day started off being really gloomy, so sensible Ellie decided to wear skinny jeans...not so clever Ellie ended up very hot as the Great British weather decided to turn lovely for once! (I know - What. A. Surprise.)

We then took some Watermelons into the woods and played baseball with them. Sounds fun and messy I know! 

Here is a video of the day's events...

That's all from me for today,
Have a nice day now!


Monday, 19 August 2013

Favourites Tag

Hello there lovelies!

So  today I thought I would write a lifestyle post and create a 'favourites tag'. Basically it's just a fun post really, allowing you guys to know a bit more about me!

So here it goes!

Favourite Colour?  Green

Favourite Store? Primark

Favourite Make up brand? Rimmel London

Favourite Sport? Netball

Favourite Animal? Rabbit, Tiger, Elephant and Penguin.

Favourite Book? The Fault in our Stars

Favourite Flower? Daisy (technically a weed)

Favourite band? Two Door Cinema Club

Favourite male singer? Olly Murs

Favourite female singer? Lana del rey

Favourite music genre? Indie Rock/Alternative

Favourite TV programme? The big bang theory

Favourite Talent show? XFactor

Favourite Disney Film? Bambi

Favourite Disney Princess film? Beauty and The Beast

Other favourite film? Sprited Away

Favourite celebrity? Cara Delevingne

Favourite Quote?

Favourite Chocolate? Galaxy

Favourite Pizza? BBQ

Favourite Ice Cream Flavour? Blueberry

Favourite boys name? Lucas

Favourite girls name? Mia


So that is everything from me today! I would like to tag anyone wanting to give this tag a try! Please send me your posts on twitter at @Ellieology_OM or to my email :) I would love to see them!

Have a good day now! 


Saturday, 17 August 2013

España 2013

Hello there lovelies! 

So as some of you may already know, I have recently just come back from holiday in Spain so I thought I would share some photos with you guys...

Cactus Garden
Love this...bit of London far from home :')

Outside our apartment

Walk along the beach

Amazing sand castles

The turtle family keeps growing every year :')

The famalam

I had an amazing time in Spain and I am thoroughly missing the weather :'( 

I cannot wait to return there in years to come...

That is all from me today, have a good day now!

Ellie x