Saturday, 28 December 2013

Post Christmas

I am sad to say that Christmas Day has been and gone but that's not to say that Christmas is over....Oh No.

To me Christmas truly begins on Christmas day and doesn't really end until the New Year or when everyone returns to Work, or in my case College..well I guess that's why it's called the 'The Twelve days of Christmas' 

What does Christmas truly mean to you?
When I was younger, Christmas was basically all about presents, I am not even going to Lie, I was really spoilt! 
But now I basically look at it as time to have an excuse to sit inside, rest, and procrastinate (that is true).
No I haven't been a lazy slob during the holidays, I have worked quite a lot and have been around seeing family and friends but at the same time I have been catching up on a few things that I like doing: Watching films, reading and browsing Tumblr and Pinterest. 

It's the best time of year to appreciate all the small things: family, friends and your life. We're not all that lucky. 

Let me just leave you with one thing.  

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