Thursday, 20 March 2014

Liebster Award

Hellooooo, I haven't been on here in a while (I apologise)...anyway! I have something quite special to blog about today. I was nominated in the Liebster award from my friend Abbey , it's an award going around in the blogging world to try and get smaller blogs (like myself) noticed.
I don't have anyone in particular to nominate but if you're reading this post and haven't taken part in the 'Liebster award' yet, I nominate you! Be sure to send me your post to my twitter @eleanor_jane97 if you do!

The Rules are as follows: 

1) State 11 facts about yourself.
2) Answer 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
3) Nominate at least one other blogger and give them 11 questions to answer.
4) Include the 'Liebster award' logo in your post.
5) You can't nominate the person who nominated you.

My 11 Facts about me:

  1. I am currently procrastinating
  2. I have a really unhealthy fetish for raw mushrooms 
  3. I really hate myself for not blogging more often
  4. I love nature
  5. I am currently listening to 'The Neighbourhood'
  6. I have blue dip dyed hair
  7. It's my 17th Birthday in just over a weeks time (yey)
  8. I hope to have learnt to drive by the end of this year
  9. I have an obsession to The Sims and Tumblr
  10. I have 6 litres of Ice tea in my house
  11. Wolf Alice are my new favs
My 11 questions from Abbey

1) What's your favourite season?My favourite season definitely has to be summer, everyone just seems much more happier when the sun is shining! However, I do like winter clothing.

2) If you could use one beauty product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Most probably my 'Aussie Aussome Volume' shampoo and conditioner, I swear by it.

3) The place that makes you most happy.
I do love visiting Wales. I guess when I'm away from the busy life of cities etc, so anywhere in the countryside!

4) Favourite television show.
My Mad Fat Diary - Nico Mirallegro is gorgeous.

5) Why did you start your blog?
I guess I like writing my thoughts down. This blog started off mainly being beauty/fashion related but I hope to shape this blog towards being like an online diary.

6) Something you are looking forward to?
Reading festival Summer 2k14!

7) Shorts or skirts?
Probably skirts.

8) Favourite post - Beauty, fashion or lifestyle? 
I do like beauty posts but I am very nosy so probably lifestyle posts.

9) Do you prefer to have curly or straight hair?
I have natural dead straight hair, which I like but it lacks volume, so I do like occasionally having beachy waves.

10) What would be your dream job?
To be a model. I disagree with all the skinny, weight loss rubbish but it would literally be the best job ever.

11) Who do you get your blogging inspiration from?
Many blogs...mainly Charlotte's Web  and Sprinkle of Glitter

My 11 questions for you guys!

1) Tumblr, Twitter or Instagram?
2) If you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?
3) What's your current favourite beauty product?
4) What are your ambitions for the future?
5) What do you like doing in your spare time?
6) Flowers or Jewels? 
7) How would you describe your style? (fashion)
8) Favourite book?
9) Name three countries you'd like to travel to?
10) Spots or stripes?
11) Most played song?

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Sleek - Au Naturel Palette review

Happy Sunday to you,

I have been meaning to post this review for a while, but I lost my camera cable and had to order a new one and it all got a bit here it is!

Sleek - Au Naturel Palette Review

(Excuse the Christmas theme, as I said I took these pictures a couple of months ago)

I would like to praise 'Boots' for finally having the 'Sleek' collection in their stores, it is amazing.

I purchased this palette just before Christmas as a treat for myself. Considering it was £7.99, a fairly reasonable price but perhaps a higher end drug store purchase, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to use it properly or the shades would not suit me. After looking up multiple eye shadow tutorials on YouTube I am now able to use it to its best ability.

First of all, I love the packaging. To me, the style reminds me of the 'Mac' branding. I just get a tiny bit excited every time I use it.
Secondly, the selection of pan colours are different yet suitable to use on a subtle, slightly smoky-eyed look. 


For a subtle yet brown-eyed look, I usually begin with a primer on my eyelids to allow the eye-shadow to stay put for longer. I then take my real techniques eye-shadow brush and cover the lid with the white shade of 'Nougat' to give a base colour. I then take either the colour 'Toast', 'Honeycomb' or 'Cappuccino' and shade this over my eye-lid. I would next take 'Bark', but I would brush a bit off as the pigment is quite strong, and work this into my crease and outer corner of my eye. I finally would take 'Taupe' which is a golden shimmer, to place on top of my lid. (I sometimes also blend 'Nougat' on my brow bone)

Sleek do have a range of other palettes, some with rather bright pigments, so if you are looking for a first try at an eye-shadow palette, I certainly recommend this one. 

The more you practice, the more you grow to love it! 


Friday, 3 January 2014

New year, New aims

~~~~~** Happy 2014 all! **~~~~~

I am not one to be following the general trend by saying 'A new year, A new me' , Oh No.

But in a way, I like new years.
 I guess it's like a book, a new book, 12 chapters and 365 pages to go.

Everyone has their typical new years resolutions like 'get fit' or 'be kind', which I guess everyone should do.
I just like to set myself new aims each year, which I can hopefully follow and keep to through out the year!

  • Get Organised - I always find that I leave work to the very last minute and end up rushing to complete it in time. This is not good for me, a worrier, and it's also not good for my anxiety! So I am going to try and get work and other bits done early, leaving time to relax

  • Worry Less - I worry about the littlest things and care too much what others think. I have been told numerous times to prioritise myself first and I guess I am building on that. I mustn't worry about things I can't change, such as those in the past, or worry about making everyone else happy, it's their job!. 
Carrie explains it perfectly 

  • Learn something new - It'll probably end up being learning to drive, which I can officially do at the end of March! (yes!) But I guess I just want to learn either a new skill, or actually advance on the piano or my guitar.

  • Make more things - Procrastinating on Pinterest over Christmas really got my inspirational juices flowing and there are so many things on my 'DIY' board that I want to give a go! I am not the most creative person, but I can try (can't I?).

  • Blog more - Yes I have said it, blog more. I know that I only started this blog last year, but near the end of the year I really slacked. I am going to commit myself more time to blog, especially beauty and fashion related posts, and actually get some interesting content on here! I am really hoping my blog can take a well structured shape and can become maybe a tiny bit successful this year.


Thursday, 2 January 2014

2013 - a summery

Well how the time has gone by, it's 2014 already!

The year 2013 was a massive year for me, one of extreme highs and a few lows but none the less it was amazing.

I thought I would review my best bits of each month in 2013.

January - A main highlight for me was going to see Lilygreen and Maguire busk in Bournemouth with my friends Lauren, Georgia and Megan. I actually got to meet them for the first time and they lived up to my expectation. Such lovely men and absolutely amazing performers - I recommend you check them out! 

A downer was probably doing more of my GCSE examinations, which looking back now were a piece of cake but at the time I was stressing and anxious about doing well. But I am happy to say it all turned out well in the end!
February - A highlight in this month was seeing One Direction perform live in London O2 with my best friend Lauren. It was my second time seeing them live, first was at the Teen Awards 2012, but they again smashed it. I am not a 'HUGE' crazed fan but I do enjoy their music..and they're faces *cough* Harry *cough*...but yeah it was an incredible night.

March - My favourite month, it was the month of my 16th Birthday! On March 5th, I saw my idol for the first time, Olly Murs, perform in Brighton. I went with my friend Abbey, a fellow Olly-Obsessed. We made a banner and he frickin read it, he frickin read it! he actually acknowledged us, I cried.... I also saw one of my favourite bands live, Of Monsters and Men and I also saw Gabrielle Aplin live! A busy month I know, but by far the best.

April - The Easter holidays bought a fabulous trip to Brighton to shop with the girls. It was such a fun day out, we even vlogged it! Lauren and I had out joint birthday at Pizza Hut and after party and sleepover at hers, which was epic, so glad I can share my birthday with my best friend. We had extra fun chemistry revision sessions at school during the holidays where me and Lauren filmed our own version of Starships (nutters.)

May - This month bought the beginning of many of my final summer exams, around 15 in fact!...not much fun but an experience I have faced. This month I saw one of my favourite bands, Bastille, live in Brighton, which was one of the best gigs I have been too, such good vibes. We even got to meet him twice! This month also saw great friendships grow and our support to each other throughout exams grew and couldn't be stronger. It was also a sad time to have our official leaving assembly at high school and begin study leave, lots of crying. 

(May I just add I am currently writing this listening to 'Story of my Life' by One Direction...getting a bit teary)

June - The beginning of Summer and the end of exams! I spend a lovely weekend in Cornwall to celebrate a family friends' wedding, the weather was touch and go, but on the day was amazing! This month was also the beginning of my experience at my new college as we had a Summer BBQ there, which was lovely. And finally, Prom! Such an amazing night, such good memories. 

July - Summer had finally started! Beach days with friends, work and literally chilling out!

I also got the chance to go see Olly again!, Alton towers live! Got a bit sun burnt from standing in the sun for 8 hours but was totally worth it! 

August - Summer continued with more work and a lovely week long holiday to Spain.

Summer fun with all my friends.

September - The month I started my new college. It was a massive change but I have grown to love it.

October - Went to see Nina Nesbitt live in Brighton, she was incredible.

November - Went to Camden to see Lilygreen and Maguire perform, spent the day in the markets and got some nifty stuff.

December - Went on a lovely trip to WinterWonderland with some of my friends. I have never been there before but It was spectacular! We were fortunate enough to go ice skating too.

And of course Christmas, which was the best. 

Looking back now, I have been very lucky through out 2013. I have remained healthy, I have experienced a lot and have met some lovely people along the way.
Lets hope 2014 can be even better!