Friday, 3 January 2014

New year, New aims

~~~~~** Happy 2014 all! **~~~~~

I am not one to be following the general trend by saying 'A new year, A new me' , Oh No.

But in a way, I like new years.
 I guess it's like a book, a new book, 12 chapters and 365 pages to go.

Everyone has their typical new years resolutions like 'get fit' or 'be kind', which I guess everyone should do.
I just like to set myself new aims each year, which I can hopefully follow and keep to through out the year!

  • Get Organised - I always find that I leave work to the very last minute and end up rushing to complete it in time. This is not good for me, a worrier, and it's also not good for my anxiety! So I am going to try and get work and other bits done early, leaving time to relax

  • Worry Less - I worry about the littlest things and care too much what others think. I have been told numerous times to prioritise myself first and I guess I am building on that. I mustn't worry about things I can't change, such as those in the past, or worry about making everyone else happy, it's their job!. 
Carrie explains it perfectly 

  • Learn something new - It'll probably end up being learning to drive, which I can officially do at the end of March! (yes!) But I guess I just want to learn either a new skill, or actually advance on the piano or my guitar.

  • Make more things - Procrastinating on Pinterest over Christmas really got my inspirational juices flowing and there are so many things on my 'DIY' board that I want to give a go! I am not the most creative person, but I can try (can't I?).

  • Blog more - Yes I have said it, blog more. I know that I only started this blog last year, but near the end of the year I really slacked. I am going to commit myself more time to blog, especially beauty and fashion related posts, and actually get some interesting content on here! I am really hoping my blog can take a well structured shape and can become maybe a tiny bit successful this year.


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